Air quality: Workplace
Importance of good air quality at work
The air quality in a warehouse, production hall, or other industrial premises plays a role for the health and safety of you and your colleagues. Measuring air quality is crucial, and if values exceed the limits, action must be taken to ensure everyone's well-being.
Why measure exposure in the workplace?
Production companies that work with chemical or natural raw materials are required to monitor exposure to these substances (Codex of Well-being at Work), because the health risks are much higher in production than in office environments office environments.
Pollutants often stem from working with chemical products, but even seemingly harmless products and processes can pose risks, e.g. animal or plant products, maintenance products, and heating processes that release harmful substances. Raw materials may contain pollutants, and finished products can still emit substances—with all the consequences thereof.

Health risks
Prolongued/chronic exposure to chemical substances usually causes irreversable damage such as:
- Damage to the nervous system – increased risk of dementia, Parkinson-like effects, impaired vision/hearing, etc.
- Damage to the immune system – hypersensitivity, allergies, (occupational) asthma, autoimmune diseases
- Organ damage: first the lungs (inhalation), then also the liver and kidneys (processing of toxic substances)
- Increased risk of cancer
- Damage to the reproductive organs
Many of these symptoms accumulate over a longe period (years) whereby the link with the causes often remains hidden (people attribute it to ageing). The consequences are however permanent and prevention is the only option!

Measure exposure at the workplace yourself
Exposure measurements are usually carried out by a busy specialist. Arizo helps you measure the exposure of your colleagues at your convenience. You’ll receive a kit by courier that you can use to measure both the spaces and the air inhaled by individuals. Arizo provides a clear report that complies with legal requirements.
Prevention works
"The loss of quality of life during retirement is irreversible. Being able to enjoy your retirement later starts with the choices you make now."
Start with exposure measurements, map out the risks, and take appropriate measures to prevent overexposure. This is a legal requirement for employers, and you as a prevention advisor can help.
Any questions about exposure? Make an appoint without any obligation here.