Container gas measurement
Arizo carries out gas measurements on containers for logistics companies (ABC procedure).
You are required to measure
Goods emit harmful substances that accumulate in the container. When the container is opened, your employees come into contact with them. As an employer, you must measure all harmful substances that your employees come into contact with, according to Standard EN 689:
- Step 1: Inventory and assessment of exposure
- Step 2: Measuring personal exposure – If step 1 shows that there is a risk
- Step 3: Statistical assessment of the results from Step 2 – If Step 2 was carried out
- Step 4: Repetition based on the measurements results

Gas measurements on containers: feasible and affordable
Gas measurements seem complex, expensive, and time-consuming at first glance. Arizo, however, has found an elegant solution. We map out the risks of your containers on the basis of a few analyses. You then receive a simple measuring device that enables you to monitor all containers yourself. By addressing the exposure at the source (the containers), you avoid steps 2 and 3, which can entail significant costs.
Causes of gases and vapours
- Evaporation of solvents from plastics such as carbon disulphide from latex and rubber
- (Bio)chemical processes, such as the emission of diacetyl from coca beans
- Fumigation and disinfection, such as the use of ethylene oxide for medical equipment
- Leaking packaging, often from lighters and aerosols
- Irreparable long-term damage to the nervous and immune systems and organis, increased risk of cancer and reproductive impairment
- Acute incident such as fainting or sudden death
- Disruption of your logistical flow

Start the ABC procedure
Arizo understands all too well that it is impossible for your logistics company to have all containers measured first, as is done by customs/FASFC. We offer a feasible solution for your risk analysis according to Standard EN 689 with an occupational hygiene report through our ABC procedure:
- We map your goods flows and examine the risks for each flow
- We then calculate the safe measurement value for each flow
- Based on this safe measurement value, you can easily release the containers yourself with a relatively simple device
- DIY measurement: The ABC procedure is a method for unloading containers safely, but the goods can also continue to emit gases later in the warehouse. So check the chemicals in the warehouse with a DIY measurement
Does your company unload containers? Make an appointment with the specialists from Arizo without any obligation here