Container gas measurement

Arizo carries out gas measurements on containers for customs and the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC).


Gas measurements on containers during inspection or physical verification

To protect their employees, customs and the FASFC have decided that the declarant must prove that a container is free from harmful gases. Our fast and accurate measurement method guarantees safety.


Prevention is better than cure

Did you know that on average, 1 in 8 containers selected for customs verification contains too many harmful gases? And that the majority of rejected containers have a hazardous atmosphere due to the evaporation of goods? Contact with these substances has irreversible long-term health consequences.

An Arizo employee measures the atmosphere inside a container.

Causes of gases and vapours


  • Evaporation of solvents from plastics such as carbon disulphide from latex and rubber
  • (Bio)chemical processes, such as the emission of diacetyl from coca beans
  • Fumigation and disinfection, such as the use of ethylene oxide for medical equipment
  • Leaking packaging, often from lighters and aerosols



  • Irreparable long-term damage to the nervous and immune systems and organis, increased risk of cancer and reproductive impairment
  • Acute incident such as fainting or sudden death
  • Disruption of your logistical flow

Why choose Arizo?

Many health complaints accumulate over time, thereby concealing the connection to the causes. The consequences are permanent, so prevention is the only way! – Sam Martens, certified gas expert at Arizo.


  • Developed in-house, our unique mobile air sample analysis (R.A.CH.E.L.) is performed in 5 – 15 minutes by our gas experts
  • No extra waiting times as our gas expert is permanently on hand at both border inspection posts (right bank and left bank), and a mobile laboratory drives around the port all day
  • Comprehensive gas measurement report in compliance with new regulations and threshold limits
  • In case of a poor gas measurement: a streamlined follow-up and a (patented) solution procedure ensure that the container is released by customs as quickly as possible
  • Service also outside office hours, on weekends, and on holidays
  • Last-minute assignments can also always be scheduled and executed
  • Online platform where you can track the entire process of your containers: from entering the assignment to requesting the certificate, and on to invoicing.


An Arizo employee measures the atmosphere inside a container.

Questions about gas measurements on containers? Make an appointment with the specialists from Arizo without any obligation here

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